In the school... headaches and hassles
When we were introduced by the Tech Ed. Department head in May, there seemed to be a large interest in helping, advising, mentoring, but, as time approached, things changed dramatically.
It was pretty amusing, at first, to listen to the 'reasons' that these people chose to walk away, but in the end, it turns out to be disconcerting. They scatter like cockroaches do when you turn on the lights, at the mere utterance of the word "FIRST".
When we met at our sponsor's facility, it was well known that security guards had to admit the team in a documented manner, and everyone was OK with that. Everyone knew that if you missed the time, you waited until the next hour to get in. At least there you could stand under cover from the elements.
Here, it seems that noone remembers how to tell time, gauge how long it takes to get from home to the school and be on time. Snickering about being 10 minutes late infuriates me.
Only one person has keys to the facility, so when that person isn't around, we all wait outside. Even if an additional person was given the passcode for the outside door, it would only serve to get us out of the weather, because, it seems, the custodial staff lock every passage way in the building. Maybe that's all that can be hoped for.
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